Saturday, August 23, 2008

Facts !

During a heated debate with my room neighbour there was a certain point i realized : (possibly related to Men in Black 1 dialogue) ::

.'There are no such things in this world as facts. There are only opinions". When majority of the world agrees to it they are termed as facts. Such as many many years ago it was a fact that the world is flat. When the facts are supported weakly they are termed as theories..

What say ?? comments?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The first post in sync with the URL..

I have been thinking about what the purpose of life and how boring it would be without it...Really I am experiencing it..
College has started and the problem is that there is no specific goal in front of me.. no big goal to fight for and all. Its making the days really drab.
From tenth standard it has been that the goal has been predefined by the system and u just have to give ur best to achieve it. Even in my freshie year I had some parts of a an aim to keep my cpi above 8 and try to get a change of branch. I couldn't achieve it but that's not the point ..
Now i have nothing to fight for :( and nothing that would force me out of my bed an hour before classes start just to catch up with some studies.. (that doesn't mean i don't go to classes and participate enthusiatically but still..)

Any suggestions are welcome.. on any goals that i can pursue.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Godly Pics...

hey all, i recently came across this huge collection of pics ... truly very detailed and all (as it says on the site itself). Have a look for your self

The pics by the Kagaya guy at the bottom are also good excpt for the fact that all look quite made of the same stuff...i mean i am no expert but what i feel is that they have a certain ominous quality with little variation in lighting.. neways good as wallpapers.